Emily Bowers
April 3, 2016
Lesson Plan 3
readers can use what they know about spelling patterns to sort a pile of words
into different categories where all words in each pile follow a pattern. Good
readers can connect to a text they are reading by thinking how it relates to
their life or something they have read before.
word sort, making connections graphic organizer
1. Opening-“Last
time I was here you sorted these words under the different categories I gave to
you. Good readers can use what they know about spelling patterns to sort words
into different categories that they come up with. Today you are going to sort
them in a different way that makes sense to you. You are going to come up with
the different categories.”
2. Give
student the envelope with the word sort words in it. Give them time to sort the
words. After they sort the words, talk with them about how they sorted the words
and why.
3. “Good
readers can connect to a text they are reading by thinking how it relates to
their life or something they have read before. Next, I am going to read you a
story called The Wednesday Surprise by
Eve Bunting. While I am reading think about what this reminds you of.” Model a
connection for them at the start of the book.
4. After
finishing the book, have student fill out making connections graphic organizer.
Talk about it after they complete it.
“Today you sorted words into categories that you came up with. This is
important because good readers can use what they know about spelling patterns
to sort words into categories that they come up with. We ended today by reading
a story and making connections to it. This is also important because good
readers connect to the text they are reading to help them comprehend what is
happening in the story better.”
For today's lesson one objective was "Good readers can use what they know about spelling patterns to sort a pile of words into different categories where all the words in each pile follow a pattern". To address this objective, I used the words from word sort that I gave McKenzie last time. Before even telling her what we were going to do, she asked if we were going to sort words again today. I could tell that she was excited to do this. This time I told her to sort the words however she wanted. She did a really awesome job at this. She sorted all the "oa" words into one pile, all the "ow" words into another pile and all the "oi" words into a third pile. She also told me what she was doing and why, while she was doing it.
Another objective I had for today was "good readers can connect to a text they are reading by thinking how it relates to their life or something they have read". We did this by reading a story called The Wednesday Surprise. McKenzie loved this story and was even doing a think aloud like we practiced last time. It is cool to see that she is not only learning, but using what I am teaching her. After reading the story, I had her do a graphic organizer on making connections where she had to draw a picture and write about something that happened in the story and then draw another picture and write about what happened in her life that is similar to the book. Struggling readers often struggle with comprehension so I wanted to do something with her that would improve her reading.
Most teachers do not get the one-on-one time with students that I am getting with McKenzie. It is a really awesome opportunity to have because I can really focus on her needs and see her grow each time we work. It's nice to be able to put to use and practice what we are learning about in most of my classes. From working with McKenzie, I am more aware of the academic vocabulary I use and know. In class we mainly talk about how we would teach certain things to students, but now I am able to actually teach a student and practice how we talked about doing it in class. I am getting more comfortable and confident when I am teaching McKenzie. I am also better able to help her when she comes across a word she doesn't know without just telling her what it is because I know what key things to say that will help her figure out what the word is.
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